Weekend reflection #42 working too hard

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Another week went by way too fast. This past week I found myself working harder than normal. I spent much more time on my blog and procrastinated on the housework. I also was lazy and did not go to the gym at all. Opps! but I saw my traffic and subscriber count go up, so I should have been doing something right. I will share my blogging secrets later in another post.

We’ve been having common cold and rainy weather here in northern California. Chris tells me that the rainy season starts in November/December and runs through January. It’s cold and wet so the kids and I have been staying indoors. I’m looking forward to the warmer weather next month.

Courtney had a good week at school. She took a couple of tests and we will see the results tomorrow at the school’s open house. I’m confident that she did well. Today Courtney helped me with the housework and taking care of the kids because Chris has been gone all day. He had to go help his sister relocation and ought to be home shortly.

Ciara is getting thrilled about her birthday coming up next Saturday. We are taking her to John’s amazing Pizza. She is wishing to get a Barbie for her birthday. Göreceğiz. Ciara is doing a good job helping her sister keep their room clean every day. She also completely gave up the pull ups this past week with very few accidents. We are happy of our big girl.

Conan is becoming much more and much more independent and strong willed every day. He’s reminding me of what Courtney was like at that age. each day he’s been throwing these temper tantrums and they seem to get longer and longer each time. This is aggravating but I know what to do because of my experience with Courtney. typically I just let him cry until he finally calms down. If I feel that he is going to harm himself then I put him in his crib. typically if I say, “no” to him it results in one of these meltdowns. but I am keeping my amazing and sticking to my guns. From past experience I know that this is a phase and he is just going to keep on challenging me much more and much more as he gets older.

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Ciara and Conan are in the middle of this yogurt phase. They have to have yogurt every day. So I will leave you with this cute video of the kids. Conan has a yogurt cup.

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